Another Variation I Have Not Seen Before

9 Replies, 11221 Views

Here is a variation of a Kiha 181 Series Train I have not seen before. Not a big fan of those colors especially with yellow wheels but by the looks of the box this may have been released back in Tomy's Yellow Wheel Era. Gray wheels would look better with the trains colors. Another thing that looks odd is that there is no detailed paint or stickers. So the overall look of this train is bland. If I didn't see it come out of its box I would have swore this was a custom paint job. They list it as a China Model, could this be a limited Tomy release for China only and could there be a real train that this color scheme was modeled after? Mind you I don't want one of these but I am very curious as to information on it. I love the look of the 3 color schemes of the Kiha 181's that I know of but this one.... [Image: shaking-head-no-smiley-emoticon.gif]

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Another Variation I Have Not Seen Before - by Super - 11-23-2015, 08:41 PM

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