Why Do You Collect The Trains You Do?

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I thought this would make a good thread idea!
I started liking Thomas when I was about 2, I had just been givin the Thomas And The Magic Railroad VHS, and I was just in love with it! I was going through Wal-Mart, I had gone through the toys, and there it was! A Tomy Thomas Starter Set! I got it, and set it up on a old table in the upstairs guest room with my dad and mom. I loved it! It was the coal and water loader set if I recall! I stayed up there for hours at a time! A week later, my granny showed up at our house with a few surprises for me! She and my parents came up to my room, with 3 strange boxes wrapped in Thomas wrapping paper. Curiously, I opened the smallest one, it was Tomy Percy with 2 trucks! I jumped for joy! I opened the second one, and found James with some cars as well! The last one was huge to me at the time, I opened it to find the Thomas and Bertie Race set! I was so happy! This started it all! I spent a lot of time in that room trying to combine the tracks, mainly because I was very young and didn't really understand the main points yet! My mom and dad helped me, and eventually I had a much larger set than before! I always got new sets or trains to add on, and espicially loved Christmas! So did the layout, LOL. By the time I was 7, I had a set that reached from the top table to the huge area in my room, where it ran in a spiral and a large area where I made yards and sheds. I loved it! That's when Trackmaster came! I was very skeptical at first, and didn't really think I would like it. Well, every time I went to my granny's, I got a new train or maybe a small set to add on to my set. I had to go there for the weekend. I arrived, said hi to my granny and bye to my parents, and as they left, my granny told me to look in me and my sisters extra room that they had for us whenever we went there, I went in to find the James at Boulder Moutain Loop set, with a face changing james! I opened it up and was shocked at how the set was! It was so fun! It came with adapters to tomy track, and I curiously combined the 2, I had started making huge sets revolving around it! From then on, I collected tomy and trackmaster. Eventually, tomy thomas died off in the USA, and I was left with trackmaster, and since then have loved them and collected them! How did you're guy's love for collecting trains start?
From Thomas To Today's Modern Diesels, They're All A Part Of My Rail-Yard!
(This post was last modified: 05-24-2014, 03:07 PM by Trackmaster-Rail-Yard.)
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Why Do You Collect The Trains You Do? - by Trackmaster-Rail-Yard - 05-24-2014, 03:02 PM

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