That would be correct. Three logging locomotives, all American I must add, were introduced in Misty Island Rescue-- Bash and Dash, Gypsy logging locomotives, and the gentle giant Ferdinand, a 3-truck Class C Climax logging locomotive. All three, much like a great deal of Sharon Miller's characters, are highly controversial; Plarail only made Bash and Dash, with rumours of the canceling of further manufacturing of said engines. The Logging Locos are available from Fisher-Price; it took nearly two years before Ferdinand started showing up on store shelves where I live in the U.S.A.
(05-22-2014, 04:15 PM)Super Wrote: Thanks guys
Now that you have mentioned Misty Island Rescue, I do seem to recall watching that movie with my Grandson when it was released and now remember Bash & Dash. Wasn't there a third brother, Ferdinand or am I getting the movies mixed up?
What really piqued my interest in this particular one is the detail of the large funnel, domes and the headlight on the boiler. They seem to be much better than the ones I have seen pictured her.
Residential train-afficionado in training, and Thomas & Friends fan.