Unexpected Bulk Tomy/Trackmaster stuff

5 Replies, 6775 Views

Thanks Smile

You have a good eye yes there is another Oliver and works too!!

Also has that flying harold station in all of that as well.
Still have not gone through it all, oh there is a massive cranky the crane that talks... annoying to my hears though lol

Lots of tunnels and stations, bridges too.
Had a Rosie that we did not have so that was good and Neville which I am sure I have, but have not looked through all my trains as of yet too see.

Need to dedicate some more time tomorrow to look through all rest of the tubs to see what there actually is. Just have not had enough time of late Sad

Messages In This Thread
RE: Unexpected Bulk Tomy/Trackmaster stuff - by Cassino - 09-26-2015, 03:12 PM

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