(07-11-2015, 10:42 PM)plarnold Wrote: I'm sorry if this doesn't help you feel any better, but I guess you have never been in an auction where you were the highest bidder (at an already inflated price) for the last 2 weeks, only to be beaten in the last 2 seconds by prices that are a further 10 times of your highest bid (which wasn't the price shown for other bidders at the time).Lol..no that'd be me!! Thats my general M.O... to wait until the last 2 sec. then hammer in the nails with a ridiculous over the top bid to steal it.
Don't worry though. New ones will appear.In the meanwhile, complete the other parts of your awesome collection with the money. It's not like there was a deposit and you waivered those funds.
P.S. It wasn't me by the way. I don't need this set… yet.
But this was different because the auction ended with me as the winner!!
If I had been outbid in the extension period, the 5 min. should have restarted allowing me a rebuttal bid!! But instead the bidding ended and instead of being notified I had won, my funds reappeared as unused and I was notified the auction had ended. I do understand and play by the rules but they cannot be changed once the game starts!! Also there is no use for the money for any other items to buy that will help complete the collection except for The Snowplow set and TnA Henry, and they aren't there.
Play nice & have fun!!