Is Mattel Dumbing Down Things With Revolution?

44 Replies, 55867 Views

Hi Sun,

'Dumbing Down' is maybe the wrong term, what I meant was simply the play value and life of the sets is very poor and limiting. Seeing a train for example going round a silly bend on one set of wheels may seem fun the first time you see it, but after ten times? Also can this 'stunt' be performed by anything other than the loco bundled with that set?

Then as Super mentioned, try linking all these 'sets' together and finding anthing other than a single loco that can navigate all the 'gimmicks' and I think you'd be doing well.

This makes you wonder if they (Mattel) have a long term strategy for the line, after all, if the buyers find they cannot use the 'additional' loco's on these sets they will simply not get into collecting the loco's. This could lead to falling sales longer term and eventually maybe even the failure of the whole product line or a limitation of only the sets.

Maybe all they are interested in is making a quick buck by producing sets and selling to the grand parents who think something big and flash is what the kiddies want. But longer term it does not bode well as why would they invest in new loco designs if they don't sell?

Of course this is just me probably over thinking the situation and all will be rosey and people will keep buying the stuff even if it just gets shoved in a cupboard a week after the birthday/christmas etc... Smile

I should add that although I've only recently got into the hobby I don't have any 'revolutions' sets and have no intention of buying any as I simply think they are silly and pointless.

They are not a true railway system like the Tomy plarail system is and have no growth path through to the more realistic plarail trains and even advance.

I do have a couple of 'revolutions' loco's I bought cheaply at Argos before I even realised there were a difference between them and the Tomy inspired loco's. But they are sitting on a shelf still sealed and destined to end up on eBay as I've decided anything I buy has to be old school compatible as that is the system for me Smile
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2015, 08:42 AM by Nigels.)
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RE: Is Mattel Dumbing Down Things With Revolution? - by Nigels - 07-06-2015, 08:35 AM

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