probably due to preorders
Hi! you can call me D-Real, I’ve Been A collector since 2011, and Remember: Anything’s Possible when you have Dedication!!
Anyone got any updates on the preorders? Buyee isn't working for me
Hi! you can call me D-Real, I’ve Been A collector since 2011, and Remember: Anything’s Possible when you have Dedication!!
Thanks Kirby
Anyone else think its weird that the Thomas's BoxCar front wheels are blue and that Percy's green wheels looks odd with the color of the BoxCar or is it just me. I do think that Diesels brown BoxCar wheels look good though.
You're right! The Boxcar's wheels look odd. In the 2D animated show the wheels have the same color as the body of the boxcar (ex, green body with green wheels). Most likely they will change Thomas' boxcar wheels.
Yeah, it’s probably a prototype, like that one Talk N Action image
Hi! you can call me D-Real, I’ve Been A collector since 2011, and Remember: Anything’s Possible when you have Dedication!!