The blue pier isn't necessary as the 2 slopes have connectors on both ends are strong enough to support the vehicle on top.
(This post was last modified: 06-28-2020, 10:10 AM by Super.)
Continuation of BigLobe Plarail Museum
256 Replies, 200114 Views
I assume it was Vio who posted this video in the plarail facebook group. Anyways, for those who don't have access to a facebook account, this set was made in 1972. Way earlier before i was born ha ha. Everytime the train passes through the trip arm, the advertisement switches. I guess you can make your own advertisements as long as you measure properly.
My Trackmaster/Tomy/Plarail Photo Gallery Page (over 600+ photos and still under construction)
The footage posted was directly from my YouTube video, so it is me on a fake FB account (fake identity). That (referring to the rotating advertisement) is not a set, but rather a single item. That is not a phantom gem, never will be at its current rarity. It is a forgotten scene part where it’s sides can be replaced by cardboard provided in the packaging. I uploaded the opening of the item on YouTube.
プラレール - 回転広告塔 || Plarail - Rotating Advertising Tower
Update Phantom Gem 20: Chinese Plarail
The higher quality images of 先行號列車 (Xiān xíng hào liè chē) is finally returned to the internet thanks to resuperg2, though I wished there are images of back of the box. This is a true TOMY product, but was never sold in Japan. It was sold in China, primarily Guangdong region. There is a rumour that a small number of sets were once imported into Japan by a efforts of a certain collector in 2001. (I'm considering on bidding, but there is a very high chance that I will lose this time. So if anyone wants to bid, please do and post the images here once you received the item) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Wow, that box looks perfect. They say it is unused but does that mean its been opened as the engine appears to be moved inside. Hmmm...the train cars look to be held in place by pastic coated wire...was that something they have done before or might this just be something that took place in China? That seller looks to always have a lot of nice stuff.
I think the engine just fell off the initial placeholders due to the weight. I doubt that the plastic wire will hold for that long. That seller is a monster Plarail collector, he introduces sets that are never recorded in the museum and he might confirm Plarail rumours that were told 30 years ago in the future.
Update Phantom Gem 6: 金ピカCOLLECTION
Not a Showa-Era Plarail, sorry to disappoint. Since it is introduced in the museum, I will follow accordingly. This will be the first ever video source for Gold めばえ (Mebae) 100 Series, the めばえ series are gifts for readers of the Mebae infant magazine. You need to buy a specific magazine, and fill in a participation form enclosed inside. Until now, the original magazine is never found. The amount of gold plating and how the dolly looks greatly differs from the standard gold plated Plarails. ![]()
Wow, what a beautiful gold plate and its new in the box. What does it say on the side?
Did the Silver 300 Series coma after the Gold 100 Series? I assume the 100series is the rarer one?
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