Angry Gordon Questions

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It’s a sudden question and I know nothing of Thomas series, but what is with Angry Gordon and the recent prices of 66000 yen and 101000 yen just 4 days ago for a new in box Angry Gordon? Can anyone give me a backstory of how it became rare? How many years it was produced before out of print? A used Angry Gordon would be priced just below 10000 yen. From what I know is that Powerful Gordon is exactly the same as Angry Gordon?
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Powerful Gordon and Angry Gordon are the same thing, he was available in only 2002 I believe. The engine itself isn't that hard to find and I see it come up in lot sales, although thinking about it I don't think I've seen one since I've been watching auctions this summer. Last summer I saw a number of them sell loose for a reasonable price, probably under 10000 yen when considering the other things in the lots.

I'm very surprised prices are that high for one new in box, they certainly do not come up new as often as used ones but 101000 yen seems like a LOT. Even 66000 is more then I would have expected. I think two people decided they absolutely wanted one new in box and bid each other up more then most other people would. I seem to remember a new in box one sitting as a buy it now on the auctions for several weeks last summer, but I don't remember the price. I'm not sure how it became so expensive, it must have gotten a lot scarcer, even within the last year. I don't usually follow the auctions year-round, only in the summer, so maybe someone else could say something about the trend.

The price to get one loose in the US seems to have gone down, I remember them being the equivalent of about 20000 yen on eBay a few years ago, now there are some available for about 16000
I have a website where I have been writing about and photographing many of the sets and pieces that I find interesting.
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New In the, if its authentic then its very seldom seen by me.  The box would be as valuable as the train I think LOL. There is much, much more difference in the train than just an angry face though. One has to really be careful with the pirated or not authentic copies. To learn a lot more about all the differences that take place on the inside of an Angry Gordon that made him Powerful, take a look at our Member Powerful Gordon Mikes Tribute remakes. Here he explains and shows in a pictorial the differences and what to look for in the fakes.

He has made many of these and sold them on Ebay to rave reviews. He has a series of videos of how he made his Powerful Gordon Tribute trains. He also sent Ucwepn one where he Reviewed it on his YouTube Chanel. Muddy Poppins also has one of these Tributes also I believe. Muddy knows a lot about him and I hope he can add to your question.

Ucwepns Review of the Tribute Train can be seen HERE

10 Part Video Series on how he built his Powerful Gordons Tribute Trains starts with Part 1 HERE
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About this:, are both Gordons real TOMY ones? One of the tender cars look longer than the other one. What could a fake Gordon have or not have other than the weights? Did it become out of print in the same year it was produced or 1 year later?
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The photos just might be the angle of the camera view that makes the tender look different. Besides all those weights the motor itself is supposed to be  faster to make him more Powerful. This, I surmise is the reasons for so much more weight.

The tip on the chrome weights seen through the windows must be a good one as I have seen supposed Powerful Gordons that had a face but no visible weights at all in the windows. Which would make it not an original. Powerful Gordon Mike did a fantastic job casting those big special weights out of metal for his Tribute models.
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Yes it was a limited one time release.
Very rare to see them BNIB.
If this is a pristine box, it is truly more valuable than what’s inside.
I have seen a few used in box, but the boxes are generally beat up or ripped and wrinkled.
I don’t think that it’s a 10k collectable, but it is definitely one of the rarest Plarail releases ever.
I missed out and was sniped from winning one at auction a few years back, and somehow I knew in my gut that it would be my last chance at one...
The PG box is the only thing left to find that we don’t have in our collection, and looks like, at 10k now, that my gut was right back then.
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
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Rarest Plarail releases ever... but definitely not as rare as some of the Plarail new in box before 1985. If a new in box Angry Gordon went up to 101000 yen or 66000 yen, that could be depending on the crowd who is watching it at the right time. The price difference between 66000 and 101000 yen is very large, so it must have attracted a better crowd when the seller (famous toy store) toys_h1 was selling it new in box, and added store tax so it was really 111100 yen. The price difference is so large according to condition so it is hard to compare it to the rarest Plarail. But if comparing to rarest Thomas, then I can't speak for it. What is a PG box?

A brand new 近郊型でんしゃふみきりえきセット (1976) has been auctioned off at 220000 yen, 複線自動ステーションセット ひかり号、L特急付 (1979-1982) was 182000 yen, コンテナ積みおろしセット (1980) in terrible condition was 176000 yen, single item Rotary Snowplough (1973) in complete but broken condition was 108000 yen. Or if something more towards Thomas, the brand new Donald Douglas Snow Set which was 86000 yen. I like to see Angry Gordon compete with these.
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“PG box”= Powerful Gordon box
Yes, strictly of the Thomas line this item is the 4th rarest.
1. Gold Thomas (10?)
2. Silver Thomas (100)
3. Blushing Thomas (360)
4. Powerful Gordon (bnib) (1year)
It’s is THE BOX that is demanding the attention.
Mint PG’s are attainable without their boxes,
But a mint PG box is rarely ever seen.
The D&D snowplow set is very rare, but I have seen MANY of them BNIB, generally for about $1000 usd. A BNIB PG box is about 10x rarer than any BNIB D&D set.
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
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Thanks Muddy Smile
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Thanks for answering my question about out of print duration. I know how it feels to own Plarails that are manufactured for a year or less. Looks like PG box is something like those D-51 I was talking about in the other threads. D-51 can be obtained cheap but the 4th generation and 5th generation box are the extremely rare ones. I can relate easily.
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