bulk auction won UPDATE: ARRIVAL

16 Replies, 25304 Views

thanks, guys. tramp, sorry youve been put on a ban! hopefully nothing comes up that you want or need desperately!

super... mother lode is right! the diesel is a dd51 and has the logo of two kids on the underside. its not dated, so not sure how old it is, but its in good shape. no wagons appear to match it in the lot, so will try and find out more about it.

there will be better and individual photos today hopefully. i got home at about 4.30pm and by the time i had opened, drooled and photographed the box lots, it was almost 7 and too dark. i turned my light on, but its not the best for photos so colors all come out wrong and close ups of logos etc are impossible.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
some photos. more are on my site. http://sunsthomasandfriends.weebly.com/s...-link.html this link takes you to my blog, and there are another 3 photo links there.

all the japanese styled engines in the lot.
[Image: GEDC0001.jpg]

dd51 yellow. this is the one i saw in the photo that was just a cover. it runs really quietly.
[Image: dd51yellow.jpg]

not sure what this one is. the kids look like the old tomy figures that were taller and thinner. they fit in the train. the coach and engine are wired together. it makes me think of the missing link between the magnetic and the hook and loop coupler systems.
[Image: midway.jpg]

kamome. i got two of these as well, including plakids. the stickers say "since 2000", but its dated 1991 underneath
[Image: kamome1.jpg]

silver streak
[Image: 7461silverstreak.jpg]

motor tomica
[Image: tomicamotorised1.jpg]

the bus is motorised, the car is not. both are tomica
[Image: tomicamotorised2.jpg]

monorail and dd51
[Image: d51monorail8.jpg]

monorail set up
[Image: d51monorail4.jpg]

time station
[Image: timestation4.jpg]

all in all, a really good lot! if the seller had put up better photos, i might have hit the buy now, which was $480.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
Thanks for the detailed pictures. The yellow diesel in interesting. I just saw this one at Yahoo Japan however it doesn't look like a set with the one car having yellow wheels. Not much help for identifying where this engine came from.


I liked the detailed pictures on your web page of the monorail as I wondered how those girders worked to hold the track. And I had seen those Time Stations on Yahoo Japan but I always assumed they were a storage case and not an actual part used in a layout. Looks like the Time Station took the place of what others thought was the missing girders. I also never saw a close up of the drive mechanism of the monorails either.

That sure is a strange, what looks to be a white S-03 Shinkansen Series 300 with the openings for the larger characters. Would like to learn more about that. Is the battery compartment in the middle coach?
super, sam on the facebook site has id'ed the japanese engines. hes a wealth of knowledge that guy, lol.
here is a video for the shinkansen with the kids. yes, the battery goes in the middle. i pulled one apart to test it and completely dismantled the engine before realising, lmfao.

the diesel it seems was sold with a tower set made up of grey girders, which i also have. so it may have been a solo. i got some black and yellow fuel tankers in the lot, and they look good with it, so thatll do.

thanks for the comment on the photos. i feel like im filling a gap in a way, as there isnt much info about for monorails, so i educate myself while taking the photos, clarify with others if i need to, and then share whatever ive learned over that process. yes, the time station did fill in the girders, but i think the set would work/stay together even without it, as i added some extra track and it still worked fine.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
Its a fantastic lot, you are very lucky!
thanks, chris Smile

so far ive tested all the japanese trains and the 3 motorized vehicles. all work, but some need lube, especially the cars. will have another look next weekend. havent had time to check the thomas trains yet. mavis i dont think will go as she had a battery in that had corroded and gone all over, even her face!
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
I love the bus with the koalas its a very nice design and its unusual too see koalas on a Japanese bus.

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