Wow.. very nice collection up for grabs..

63 Replies, 72577 Views

ok, sorry for the delay, learning here.

here we have 2 trains.
anyone would want these, need these and/or desire these.

based on that premise, if you.. any of you.. had a choice.
would you want these? both of these? 1 of these?
some would say yes and some would say no.
but why would you say yes or no?
[Image: IMG_20171027_180015.jpg]
(10-27-2017, 11:03 PM)Muddy Poppins Wrote: Carrick Wilmont is a legend...the "Ready To Rumble" "Jimmy King" of Tomy/Plarail!!Smile

I had not heard the name, but had seen the HUgE and wonderful collection on eBay in the past. I forget what listing it was, maybe replacement tires but there were some pics of the collection and layout, amazing..

Lost and found Hiro is one of my favorites. I have 3 and love them. Big Grin
(This post was last modified: 10-27-2017, 11:12 PM by Super.)
now... equate the original thread.
a 10,000 listing verses these 2 trains.
what should i post on ebay?

don't answer. its just learning and working together.
and if we can't do that.. then we can't help the next generation
(This post was last modified: 10-27-2017, 11:21 PM by trevor369.)
(10-27-2017, 10:34 PM)StarSwitcher07 Wrote: Who's Carrick Wilmont?

Here is THE video that inspired many of us and still sends chills up my spine...

Why Do The Children Play?

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to ripley
what if i told you that i bought 1 of these 2 trains for 1usd and the other for 35usd.
would you be jealous? envious?
or optimistic?
need, want desire again.
1, anyone of you,can have all.
the question is not within me... but within you
i hope that i did not over stay my welcome
I would say, yes if I could score a L&F Hiro for $1, then yes I would most deinately go for it. I would not likely pay $35 for it or the Donald/Douglas though.
i understand. and in retrospect.. i would agree.
but! if life was retrospect.
then we would all billionaires.
i made my choices.
i do not regret.
however (just curious)
why wouldn't you pay-or anyone her for that matter- 35usd for a donald/douglas?
is it because of what you have learned? or what you want, need or desire?
let me break it down this way.
what if..just saying mind you... but what if a donald/douglas was the last piece in your "desirable" collection?
then-and i am only talking in semantics here-
what then would you pay?
don't answer.. we are all the same
sometimes one should shop around and find the best deal. I got Donald and Douglas dirt cheap through craig's list.
you get my point.
with knowledge comes power.
this conversation could go on and on and on..
there would be no winners. any one of us would/could micro manage the details.
just like in this particular listing.
but we are not to judge, because we are all judges.
i understand.
this is NOT about have and have nots. this is not about what one has, what one needs, or what one wants.
nor is it about where, when or how to get.
we all love these toys. that is the staple.
however, after that it boils down to 3 categories.
a) the collector
b) the parent
c) the enthusiast
it is only through identification of yourself...
that you can proceed
need, want, desire.

tying it back to the original listing...

could this be-just saying mind you- but could this be just a typical parent, that shared a joy with his or her child. which that particular child as it applies to him or her, has out grown?

on the flip side,, however...
what would you sell your personal collection?
has anyone done that to you?
i can tell you.. it has happened to me. not once, not twice, but three times.
(This post was last modified: 10-28-2017, 09:22 PM by trevor369.)

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