Anyone else seen these?

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I am sure others have seen these listed but I was pleasantly surprised at just how many have been up for grabs. That and I was out bid on my first 3 attempts. I think I have enough now..Big Grin (4)... can't wait to see them. This should be the last of my 12 item shipment once everything arrives..

2017 Plarail Expo Clear Annie (Red/white/Blue)

[Image: F9753404-66B6-4CFF-97E5-93DA4BBE84DC_zpsnba2g1wo.jpg]
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They are giving them away as part of Admission to the 2017 Tokyo Plarail Expo. Check out the beginning of Suzukawas video where they visit the show. I think that only Annie is given away at this time.

I am sure the price will get pretty cheap soon as they gave away thousands, baskets full of them....literally Big Grin

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[-] The following 3 users Like Super's post:
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Figured they may be like the Clear Annie/Clarabel, which seem to have gone up in price quite a bit. Plus I like the look so figured might as well.Cool
[-] The following 1 user Likes ripley802's post:
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They are exactly like the Streamlined Thomas coaches except this one is a translucent blue. Wonder why no Clarabel unless they plan on giving her away at a later date or show to get repeat visitors. Those regular Clear Annies are just about on the rarest of all list as I only saw two listings for one before the listing that Muddy won and seen absolutely none since. I believe those Annies and her partner Clarabel were given as an award for purchasing something from Toys R Us Japan but Clarabel is a bit easier to find, wonder why?

So you now have 4 of these Annies Ripley? I know if I had them I would be removing the face stickers and Annies name for sure know me. Dodgy
[-] The following 2 users Like Super's post:
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Yeah.. 4 for now. May try and snag a few more. They averaged out to around $8 each which isn't bad to me. I may list one on eBay to see how it does but will probably try and keep 2 in the packaging.
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  • MuddyPoppins, Super
this didn't age well, they turned from being rare, to the listing with 53 Blue Annies and Clarabels!!!!!
Hi! you can call me D-Real, I’ve Been A collector since 2011, and Remember: Anything’s Possible when you have Dedication!! Smile

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