Blue Plastic Tracks
Where do you get this piece? - Printable Version

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Where do you get this piece? - leylandvictory2 - 12-02-2020

Which set does this piece comes from (I want to get 

grey version of this plate).  

[Image: 127199472-10157322727277143-6301603583135959143-o.jpg]

RE: Where do you get this piece? - chrisjo - 12-02-2020

Motor Tomica Doraemon Parallel World Set (ドラえもん パラレルワールドセット) for the green track.

[Image: 607145847.jpg]

Motor Tomica & Plarail Basic Set (モータートミカ & プラレールベーシックセット) for the grey version.

[Image: f212698801.1.jpg]

RE: Where do you get this piece? - Fred_Pelhay - 12-02-2020

I'd love to have several of the parallel road/rail pieces. You can also "cheat" 45-degree roads using them. (The PlaRoad system is forced into 90-degree angles)

RE: Where do you get this piece? - Super - 12-02-2020

The gray ones can usually be found in the Japan Auctions. I had the Doraemon Parallel World Set (minus the Doraemon motorized cart) Listed on Ebay for about a year until someone bought it a couple months ago

RE: Where do you get this piece? - ThomasBlue - 12-06-2020

Doraemon is one of my other favorite series, alongside Thomas and Pokémon! (If anyone ever has questions about Doraemon in particular I know more than my fair share haha.) I've been dying to find this set for ages since the idea of Doraemon's Time Machine being a car is super humorous to me (also the road/rail pieces are nice in general.

RE: Where do you get this piece? - Super - 12-06-2020

Those sets do show up on the Japan auctions. On occasion I have seen just the Doraemon motorized cart Listed by itself.

RE: Where do you get this piece? - ajtrain944 - 01-17-2021

Are all of the ones on this thread motorized?

How can you tell motorized or non with the Japanese boxed cars

RE: Where do you get this piece? - chrisjo - 01-17-2021

If they are boxed it's simple.
Motorized have either Battery Operated Tomica B/Oトミカ (and a B- number), or Motor Tomica モータートミカ (and an A- number) in big letters on the box.

[Image: B-02-box.jpg]   [Image: A-07-Box.jpg]

RE: Where do you get this piece? - Super - 01-17-2021

If you are asking how to tell the difference between the motorized vehicles and the Tomica brand vehicles (like hot wheels/Matchbox) you can tell by looking at the wheels. There is a distinct difference in the hubs.