Blue Plastic Tracks
What are these two worth? - Printable Version

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What are these two worth? - PopGoesOldOllie - 11-20-2018

I’ve had these two for a few years in their broken state. How rare are these? Do they still have value, even if they’re broken? (Also, repairing them isn’t an option for me since I definitely am not old enough to use a soldering iron..).
[Image: 1-D89-AC92-42-D3-4-D82-B887-398-BE2514456.jpg]

[Image: 9-C9259-B5-9-A20-4881-B455-FA616414-EFF5.jpg]

[Image: DEB44-E43-905-F-4156-A51-F-A5-DCA0-D23811.jpg]

RE: What are these two worth? - MuddyPoppins - 11-20-2018

Very nice!
Your James isn't especially rare, though all HitToy releases were limited, since they were only produced for a very short time, but your Flip face Toby IS considered very rare globally!
FF Toby was only released in the U.S. and is highly sought after by collectors in other countries, and always fetches a high premium whenever sold on eBay.
You might ask Ripley if he would repair them for you so that you could enjoy them!Smile

RE: What are these two worth? - ripley802 - 11-20-2018

Definitely some nice items there Pop. I would be happy to help with repairs if you decide to go that route, just shoot me a PM.