Blue Plastic Tracks
What is up with Emily? - Printable Version

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What is up with Emily? - PopGoesOldOllie - 11-17-2018

So, I’ve been thinking about getting a plarail Emily for a while now, but she’s had a HUGE price jump on Amazon. Has she been discontinued or something like that? (The TS version disappeared and got replaced with the T version, and the only way to get her on amazon us is with a set for 89$..)
[Image: 3850-C4-AF-2-E92-4227-8586-DC544851-BA7-A.jpg]

RE: What is up with Emily? - chrisjo - 11-17-2018

TS-13 US$22.65 on Ebay

RE: What is up with Emily? - PopGoesOldOllie - 11-17-2018

Welp, there’s my answer! Ebay wins once again!

RE: What is up with Emily? - Trainboy90 Productions - 11-18-2018

The price jump was the old T-36 model