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Another Beautiful Bachmann 00 Set - Printable Version

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Another Beautiful Bachmann 00 Set - Nigels - 04-19-2018

Remember the other limited edition, in a beautiful wooden case loco I had the other week? Well I've surpassed it with this one, again a lovely wooden case, limited edition certificate etc... but this has two N Class loco's. One is in Southern Rail livery, the other (same class) is in a wartime grey livery which was employed in an effort to help protect them from air raids etc...

The level of detail here is stunning (even without the separate detailing parts/train crews added) including such things as metal 'sprung' (i.e. working) buffers...

Without further ado let's get to it Smile

[Image: IMG_20180419_203844044.jpg]
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[Image: IMG_20180419_203649120.jpg]

RE: Another Beautiful Bachmann 00 Set - Super - 04-20-2018

Love the 810 but the color in the first photo (in the box) to the last is different. Although I would like either, which color is closer, the gray-gray of the first pic, the olive-gray of the other pics, or a combination of both?

RE: Another Beautiful Bachmann 00 Set - Nigels - 04-20-2018

The original light grey is the correct colour, the others picked up a bit of a colour cast, poor lighting I'm afraid to say Smile

RE: Another Beautiful Bachmann 00 Set - Nigels - 04-20-2018

Super I've had a go at tweaking the colour a bit on the grey loco, it looks a lot closer to the colour it should be now, just a very little green cast left, but not too bad. Hope this gives a better idea of what she looks like Smile