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i got some items - Printable Version

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RE: i got some items - Therealblack64YT - 05-28-2023

I got world Grand Prix McQueen with racing wheels from cars 2 for £3.99 so not bad

[Image: 20230527-124437.jpg]
the back
[Image: 20230527-124447.jpg]
out of the box
[Image: 20230527-130804.jpg]
and the left hand side
[Image: 20230527-130809-1.jpg]
the back
[Image: 20230527-130814.jpg]
and the bottom with some weird markings I didn't do
[Image: 20230527-130818-1.jpg]
the top
[Image: 20230527-130830.jpg]
the side
[Image: 20230527-130836-1.jpg]
and with cars 1 McQueen it uses a different mold too which its odd but none the less I will certainly do some modifications like paint the axel red in the centre and the wheels a darker grey
[Image: 20230527-130850.jpg]
I like this McQueen as it reminds me of the 2010's and overall is reminiscent of that time and even era.

RE: i got some items - Super - 05-29-2023

Love those Racing Wheels. 👍

RE: i got some items - Therealblack64YT - 06-09-2023

I got the take along patty wagon from spongebob squarepants the movie and it was released in 07 and its my birthday so I thought it was nice to have got it for £6 in total was a bid too 
[Image: 20230608-184812.jpg]

[Image: 20230608-184823.jpg]

[Image: 20230608-184830.jpg]

[Image: 20230608-184836.jpg]

[Image: 20230608-184848.jpg]

[Image: 20230608-184852.jpg]

[Image: 20230608-184857.jpg]

[Image: 20230608-184900.jpg]

[Image: 20230608-184903.jpg]
I have some more take alongs such as doras car (her moms) and some bob the border characters its odd to see the magnets in non Thomas items.

RE: i got some items - Super - 06-10-2023

That is so cool, I love it. Do the characters spin when rolling? What year might these be from, I have never seen the SpongeBob releases in the Take Along Trains or any other trains for that matter.

RE: i got some items - Therealblack64YT - 06-10-2023

well the patty wagon was released in 2007 and learning curve has other brands than Thomas that did take along. it spins by itself and not when it moves so you can manually rotate the driver area. There's only the patty wagon in the sponge bob line from what I can see they did one in 2009 that didn't have the magnets and was just branded as die cast.
here is the family car from dora there's more than just that 
[Image: Nickelodeon-Spongebob-Learning-Curve-Die...-2009.webp]
they also did some blues clues, sesame street vehicles, backyardigans (I own the red car),monster truck adventures and bob the builder (I own many of the characters)
[Image: bob-cast.jpg]

RE: i got some items - Super - 06-10-2023

Thanks T-Real

I find the packaging for the Learning Curve Paddy Wagon quite unique...The picture of Sponge Bob in the upper right has him as Egg Shaped and not square...Whaaaat?

RE: i got some items - Therealblack64YT - 06-15-2023

way down in tarry town I got these 5 characters from jay jay the jet plane and it was a decent deal for 49 as I saw one listing with 4 of them no snuffy for 47 in total so I thought why not
[Image: 20230615-205808.jpg]
Jay Jay 
[Image: 20230615-205839.jpg]
[Image: 20230615-205852.jpg]
[Image: 20230615-205905.jpg]
Big Jake 
[Image: 20230615-205929.jpg]
[Image: 20230615-205941.jpg]
the bottoms of them have an outline for a small button battery compartment some versions of Big Jake jay jay and tracy have the compartment as a separate piece but I like these more as its not noticeable never seen a snuffy or Herky with the compartment only those 3. It has a screw there but its glued on 
[Image: 20230615-210039.jpg]
all the planes with harold 
[Image: 20230615-210130.jpg]
jay jay meets harold 
[Image: 20230615-210204.jpg]
if you don't know I have plans for a harold spin off series in 2024 that will have stories with these characters and I have done some planing already

RE: i got some items - Super - 06-15-2023

I love Big Jake!!! 😍

RE: i got some items - Therealblack64YT - 06-16-2023

I like him too there's something about silver characters that I like (jubilee,Moscow etc).

RE: i got some items - Therealblack64YT - 07-12-2023

I bought some more jay jay the jet plane toys this time a lot of 7. 6 plastic 1 wooden one (I wanted to get the remaining tarrytown airport collectible pals those being savannah and revvin Evan) not bad 
[Image: 20230712-154353.jpg]
the jay jay that came with this lot was sunburn so I will make a custom brown jay jay he has a battery compartment that has no electronics. the axels are different as the one I had were molded but these are actual ones therefore it rolls better 
[Image: 20230712-154446.jpg]
the Big Jake didn't have the top piece but I will modify this one to be a "flying" Big Jake no wheels and no back thing will be magnetic.
[Image: 20230712-154622.jpg]
the snuffy was sunburnt and one of his wheels was glued in I guess it broke and someone tried to fix it but accidentally glued the wheel 
[Image: 20230712-154713.jpg]
Herky was darker and overall I will paint this one to be a clown 
[Image: 20230712-154827.jpg]
wooden jay jay the jet plane I don't collect the wooden ones why because they are too simplistic and don't have much detail they also fall apart some as I have seen the wings sometimes almost snap in pictures because the wood isn't glued properly/cured.
[Image: 20230712-154859.jpg]
they are also a tad bigger as you can see 
[Image: 20230712-154922.jpg]
Savannah the beautiful slick and smooth plane with that sweet voice I got her intact with all the landing gear some of them are broken most actually and when I found one it was in a big expensive lot so I got lucky 
[Image: 20230712-154950.jpg]
Revvin Evan he's a fire truck and is a bit odd as he's a vehicle and not a plane but yeah that's him 
[Image: 20230712-155058.jpg]
and I recreated the picture at the back of the tarrytown airport collectible pals packs they did many which I will detail at some point 
[Image: 20230712-160152-2.jpg]
as for characters like Old Oscar and Tuffy (captain Bob,Montana,Solar etc) I will make customs of those characters out of cardboard and stuff I will figure out original characters will be made too. I have a plan for a new series that will likely be preview this year (a 'pilot').