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i got some items - Printable Version

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RE: i got some items - Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp - 07-09-2022

That Donald for that price was a great deal. I think Douglas is going to be very hard to find, personally I consider him much rarer than oliver. However he does turn up from time to time on eBay, so with some patients you may be able to get him.

If you are buying him off eBay, you need to be careful when buying the trackmaster version as the fakes are very similar. The best way to tell them apart is if the coal in the tender is raised at the back or the tender axels are metal, than it's fake.

RE: i got some items - Therealblack64YT - 07-09-2022

well fake looks too obious and I am gonna be patient. always have been

RE: i got some items - Therealblack64YT - 07-10-2022

went to a charity shop and got an ertl Henry and gordon the total is £2
[Image: 20220710-163224.jpg]
I got 4 ertl henry's 2 different shades of green and 2 other shades darker
[Image: 20220710-163303.jpg]
the top
[Image: 20220710-163308.jpg]
lighter green has the smokebox filled but the darker one is not filled
[Image: 20220710-163336.jpg]
4 ertl Gordons one with the face is the only one with screws instead of rivets 
[Image: 20220710-163425.jpg]
the gordon 
[Image: 20220710-163445.jpg]
another angel
[Image: 20220710-163449.jpg]
[Image: 20220710-163456.jpg]
another angel
[Image: 20220710-163500.jpg]
went again to the carboot sale and got a Hornby green 0-4-0 a car and a rubber Spencer
[Image: 20220710-163529.jpg]
and tow mater all £1
[Image: 20220710-163850.jpg]
the Hornby engine
[Image: 20220710-163535.jpg]
another side
[Image: 20220710-163539.jpg]
and the back
[Image: 20220710-163542.jpg]
bottom still works and I think it was a starter set that this came in
[Image: 20220710-163545.jpg]
a car with turbo and 23
[Image: 20220710-163552.jpg]
bottom says nothing
[Image: 20220710-163620.jpg]
and the rubber Spencer (limited edition collection) originally these would have been sold for £1.99 in 2007 but not anymore in the second hand market
[Image: 20220710-163631.jpg]
[Image: 20220710-163634.jpg]
[Image: 20220710-163637.jpg]
[Image: 20220710-163640.jpg]
[Image: 20220710-163642.jpg]
compared to a take along Spencer 
[Image: 20220710-163656.jpg]
the side
[Image: 20220710-163702.jpg]
back its also a bit shorter
[Image: 20220710-163712.jpg]
the mater compared to a fully metal one not just the front
[Image: 20220710-163901.jpg]
a log car a orange china car and a brio train £1
[Image: 20220710-163939.jpg]
says brio on the wheels
[Image: 20220710-163949.jpg]
china car has made in china in the bottom unlicensed I got it to reach the amount for £1 
[Image: 20220710-164025.jpg]
the log car that proteus had I already owned one but 2 is better
[Image: 20220710-164030.jpg]
the other one at the back
[Image: 20220710-164040.jpg]
the red and grey compared
[Image: 20220710-164057.jpg]
a later fisher price percy 50p I will likely use this to make Wilbert 
[Image: 20220710-164114.jpg]
the bottom
[Image: 20220710-164119.jpg]
a clockwork hornby ben £1 still works took it apart and carefully winded it up with a set of pliers to test
[Image: 20220710-164133.jpg]
[Image: 20220710-164136.jpg]
side with the hole for the clockwork key 
[Image: 20220710-164139.jpg]
[Image: 20220710-164142.jpg]
bottom with the license that says 1999 copyright 
[Image: 20220710-164147.jpg]
ertl diesel and bill £2 in total
[Image: 20220710-164230.jpg]
[Image: 20220710-164235.jpg]
bill and other bill this one is separate face but the other is part of the mold 
[Image: 20220710-164249.jpg]
the old one has a bit broken
[Image: 20220710-164300.jpg]
now new bill with ben 
[Image: 20220710-164315.jpg]
racing champion bob the builder scoop 50p missing part of the front and the legs at the back
[Image: 20220710-164404.jpg]
holes where the legs would be
[Image: 20220710-164410.jpg]
[Image: 20220710-164414.jpg]
wheels at the front can move up 
[Image: 20220710-164424.jpg]
and up
[Image: 20220710-164442.jpg]
compared to the take along scoop
[Image: 20220710-164503.jpg]
compared to a tomy Thomas bigger than take along
[Image: 20220710-164523.jpg]
take along
[Image: 20220710-164543.jpg]
another ten cents £1
[Image: 20220710-164612.jpg]
I bought these 2 from the same person 2 years apart 
[Image: 20220710-164620.jpg]
yeah 2 ten cents cause I can
[Image: 20220710-164627.jpg]
my hornby HO engines so far not big but not really into it 
[Image: 20220710-164648.jpg]
another ten cents coincidence

RE: i got some items - Rich.gamble - 07-11-2022

Nice haul. I had a Percy like that Bill when i was younger - they are great models but wheels are not so good for rolling. Also I found a Tugs documentary on youtube recently! I completely forgot I used to watch the show and didn't realise it had links to Thomas. I was looking on ebay & those models are being listed for a lot but I didn't check sold prices.

RE: i got some items - Super - 07-11-2022

I love that Bob the builder Back-Hoe and those Tugs...great pick-ups again for you T-Real 👍

RE: i got some items - Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp - 07-11-2022

So many items for a bargain. I have to say that it's a but annoying that the smoke box door is missing on the hornby 0-4-0 .I am curious to see if it runs . Maybe you could try to get some more oo guage engines . Also isn't that Ben also oo guage, I believe that it fits on oo guage tracks, however I'm not sure

RE: i got some items - Therealblack64YT - 07-11-2022

well these type of clockwork Thomas models don't fit HO track as the wheels are rounded and look very different but an older clock work Thomas I saw can go on HO track. green 0-4-0 does work and seems to have no problems I have a load of HO track somewhere so I might try that as for HO  I don't find it often but when I do and its at a good price I might pick it up. I got a few pieces of rolling stock that came from a starter set

RE: i got some items - Therealblack64YT - 07-16-2022

I got tomy Knapford for £10 in total it was £15.35 it was missing a 3 so I drew on a 3 I am gonna replace this at some point but here it is
[Image: 20220716-173412.jpg]
4 and 3
[Image: 20220716-173421.jpg]
2 and 1
[Image: 20220716-173425.jpg]
Thomas in platform 1
[Image: 20220716-173636.jpg]
the top they have been glued by the previous owner was Mr.Ryan a Thomas member who makes videos awhile back he was selling loads of his stuff on eBay 

[Image: 20220716-173640.jpg]
I went and bought a lego kermit of the mini figure series of the muppets £3.50 I touched the bag before purchasing 
[Image: 20220716-184906.jpg]
I got 3 dvds with Thomas one in the middle £1.50 one on the right £1.50 and the left one £2.00 in total £5 for 3 dvd's but I didn't have them so its justified  

[Image: 20220716-185151.jpg]
backs the far left one is not just Thomas as it has barney bob the builder Pingu kipper and not much else each 1 episode related to spring 
[Image: 20220716-185204.jpg]

RE: i got some items - Super - 07-17-2022

Awesome deal on that Station 😃

RE: i got some items - Therealblack64YT - 07-17-2022

I went to a carboot sale again and got this not much this time but in total £2.50 
flora's tram and a wooden train for £2
[Image: 20220717-154727.jpg]
the wooden off brand train I saw it in Asda 2 years ago same or similar 
[Image: 20220717-154730.jpg]
the side
[Image: 20220717-154734.jpg]
and bottom I definitely will modify it to have a funnel and the smokebox paint it black and maybe do a better side decal and then do a tender for it and face
[Image: 20220717-154738.jpg]
floras tram side
[Image: 20220717-154743.jpg]
[Image: 20220717-154747.jpg]
[Image: 20220717-154751.jpg]
[Image: 20220717-154754.jpg]
and the bottom has the name 
[Image: 20220717-154802.jpg]
my entire collection of Thomas wooden railway except monty 
[Image: 20220717-154911.jpg]
all these I collected through the years most incomplete I wish I could get tenders for Murdoch hiro and Spencer and also get flora and additional pieces I also own a full set that being rheneas & the dinosaur bones set which I got like 5 years or so no rheneas or truck
[Image: 20220717-154916.jpg]
cars 2 gremlin grem 50p
[Image: 20220717-155331.jpg]
[Image: 20220717-155336.jpg]
[Image: 20220717-155340.jpg]
[Image: 20220717-155343.jpg]
[Image: 20220717-155351.jpg]
in the bottom it says what type of car it is 
[Image: 20220717-155407.jpg]
the rubber band was on the bottom of it and I think it was from a pack or something as I remember seeing these type of clear bands on my trackmaster porter when I got it new 
[Image: 20220717-114000.jpg]
the car its based on is a 1974 AMC Gremlin which is notorious for having the fill up tank at the back and this would result in most cases being the oil would eject out when going back and also due to many flaws in the design so that's why it was a failure