I am starting to feel a wave of regret choosing Plarail Advance over regular Plarail. I think both are very cool , but the regular Plarail series has more support and it seems as the lack of new trains by Tomy Takara in the Advance series makes my fears more real? Should I be feeling this regret? What do you guys think?
A Plarail Sin?
15 Replies, 22155 Views
I felt regret the moment my son saw the set. On one side its very cool. The trains are can use the same track and running two at a time is fine.
Like you, I didn't find much support either. There aren't many products made that work with advance and the trains can be tricky to get on the track. Sorry to hear about your feelings. I eventually went back to regular plarail.
I have been tempted by advance many many times! I never end up going through with it though because I have a huge collection of regular plarail and Thomas stuff. I they brought out new trains that were not all Japanese then I would be interested for sure but at the moment I am not. But hell stick it out man sure it will get better soon it's still very new.
(02-04-2015, 04:28 AM)nstrainmaster Wrote: I am starting to feel a wave of regret choosing Plarail Advance over regular Plarail. I think both are very cool , but the regular Plarail series has more support and it seems as the lack of new trains by Tomy Takara in the Advance series makes my fears more real? Should I be feeling this regret? What do you guys think? Not sure what support you are looking for as any N gauge scenic items work well with it . When I launch my site I have 30 trains listed and I know of at least 5 i am missing due to out of stocks and pending release . What other system allows you to use 2 trains on one remote control and also to adapt trains already in your collection to be remote control . Steve
im regretting that i dont yet own any advance and am behind the 8-ball so to speak. hoping to get a couple this year to complete the tomy "family tree" for my clubs big show in september.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
I feel Plarail Advance is a stepping stone towards actual model railroading, as it is very close to N Scale (which I've secretly taken an interest in! Shh!!!).
I've only the C57-1 Yamaguchi locomotive from Plarail Advance, and I don't run it that often because I love how handsome it is. The detail is just amazing but, like Ucwepn said, I've got a fairly large collection of TM and regular Plarail, and I'm not too keen on starting another!
Residential train-afficionado in training, and Thomas & Friends fan.
Perhaps I'm not,doing enough with it. I wish it had more utilitarian parts like a road crossing or a depot. It may just have to be modded.
(02-04-2015, 11:55 PM)nstrainmaster Wrote: Perhaps I'm not,doing enough with it. I wish it had more utilitarian parts like a road crossing or a depot. It may just have to be modded. There are N Scale kits of buildings, crossings, and detail scenery available at retail hobby stores; you can get them, in mint condition or scratch built, for very cheap prices at small, local hobby stores.
Residential train-afficionado in training, and Thomas & Friends fan.
I would be easy if it was a American themed layout, but I'm doing Japanese city-country layout. I need to find the Japanese style crossings and see if I can wire them up such as regular track.
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