This is an awesome use of video editing but I would like to know more about how they made those white hopper cars into Plarail.
Awesome Trick Video Editing!
5 Replies, 3018 Views
I imagine the person who ran a set of plarail train with solid background colour (most likely green) and placed the moving train on top of a standstill real life train bridge photo
My Trackmaster/Tomy/Plarail Photo Gallery Page (over 600+ photos and still under construction)
Anyone recognize these Hoppers from some other type of trains than Plarail? I am curious how this fellow made them. Or maybe if anyone is a Twitter person, I am not, can look over the makers Twitter and figure something out?
The wagons are HoKi (ホキ) 1000 or 1100.
![]() The logo is 太平洋セメント T = Taiheiyo Cement. There are several manufacturers of N gauge versions, ![]() But they don't look like the ones in the video, and in any case they'd be too small. Digging further, @shimotan53 posted this on 26-Mar-16. "I was motivated by a certain person's red hoki and tried to make a prototype". ![]() Then: "I made 16 of the white hoki because it's a structure that's easy to make from 0.5-1.0mm plastic board". ![]() Later: "I use a 0.5mm plastic sheet rolled up. If you put it into the core of a toilet roll and leave it in the car under the scorching sun, it will get a firm curl. The white hoki was made using this method". ![]() and: ![]()
Fantastic...thank you Dr Chris
![]() He did a wonderful job in creating those from scratch...much more work than I could do. They are great looking aren't they. I was hoping than e used some OO gauge rolling stock to create these as I would be all for trying that. Love his modification idea about rolling up the plastic board in a toilet paper roll and leaving it his car under the scorching sun. LOL...wonder how many trials of other methods he tried before coming to that procedure? I would love to have 4 or 6 of those. On another note...thats a great idea for a display in the last picture although you would have to have quite a lot of yellow risers and the time to cut each one top and bottom. I wonder if he attached each of them to the one below and then to the wall? Curious as to how he did this...not that I would do it though it is unique. Oh. I also love what he did with the handrails front & rear on both engines. I can't tell if he made them from scratch or cut out the filled in spaces on the ones that come with the Plarail train and painted them white. ![]()
They look very real!
(02-25-2022, 10:08 AM)chrisjo Wrote: and: I thin he bought those double track risers and cut them in half, well... that's what it looks like to me. Have any other ideas how he does it?
mostly Plarail items
(This post was last modified: 02-25-2022, 05:12 PM by Super.)
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