Rarest Plarail/Tomy Trains

279 Replies, 285415 Views

Hello Retro

The Auctions in Japan is where Dreams come True. A lot of us here added to our collections from there especially with items that are hardly found anywhere else on the planet. We all use Proxy Agents like Jauce, to do our bidding and shipping to our individual country's. Without those auctions our collection would be pitiful Undecided

Now...on to the subject of the Japanese writing, frankly I stopped reading this Thread because what Vio and Zwilling's conversations were saying made no sense to me since I can't read Japanese. Members shouldn't have to go to third party language translators just to understand part of a Post  here. If this were a Japanese speaking site then it would be different. We have always been an English speaking Forum so if you would like to give the Japanese (or any other language) translation of what something is called in English, please put the English version either before or after your Japanese so we all can glean what you are saying and possibly take part in the discussion. Thank you!
[-] The following 4 users Like Super's post:
  • chrisjo, MuddyPoppins, Tharazero1, TrainsRawesome
I will put the litteral English names in for those Japanese names, it is very easy to copy and paste the names in the search box. It is my job to end this amicably.
English names are unofficial and named by me, so you should NEVER use them for searching. Why? Because the products never had English names in the first place!

1959-1964: [パノラマトンネル, Panorama Tunnel], [ハイウェイバスセット, Highway Bus Set]
1965-1969: [電動プラレール電車セットNO.1, Electric Plarail Electric Train Set NO.1], [電動プラレール電車セットNO.2, Electric Plarail Electric Train Set NO.2], [プラレール部品ハウスブロック, Plarail Parts House Block]
1970-1974: [D-51きしゃセット, D-51 Steam Locomotive Set], [ちょうとっきゅうひかりごうニューセット, Super Express Hikari New Set], [ハウスブロック, House Block], [ふくせんプラレールステーションセット, Double Rail Plarail Station Set], [全自動ふみきりセット, Fully Automatic Highway-Rail Crossing Set (1st Gen)]
1973-1974: [C12ロータリーじょせつしゃ, C12 Rotary Snowplough (single item)], [ハイウエィふみきりステーションセット, Highway-Rail Crossing Station Set].
1975-1979: [ぼくじょうふみきり, Ranch Rail Crossing (single item)], [C-62汽笛入り, C-62 with Whistle (single item)], [近郊型でんしゃふみきりえきセット, Suburban Electric Train Rail Crossing Station Set], [ふえふきはっしゃセット, Whistle Blowing Set], [D-51きゅうこうれっしゃセット(ニチイチェーンよいこシリーズ), D-51 Express Train Set (Nichirin Yoiko Series)]
1980-1984: [福岡市交通局の地下鉄, Fukuoka Subway Transportation Bureau Subway (Tenjin Subway)], [京阪神通勤特急 基本No.3セット, Keihanshin Commuter Limited Express Basic No.3 Set], [メロディーD51セット, Melody D51 Set]
1987: [小田急ロマンスカーセット, Odakyu Romance Car Set]
1988: [フラノエクスプレスセット, Furano Express Set], [ザビッグレイアウト, The Big Layout]
1994: [C-12トラベルパック, C-12 Travel Pack]
1996: [金ピカQUANTO, Gold plated QUANTO], [金ピカめばえ, Gold plated Mebae].
1998: [金ピカあさぎり, Gold plated Asagiri], [金ピカニューロマンスカー, Gold plated Romance Car]
2003: [梅子次プラキッズ, Umekoji Plakids], [走れ!プラレールはやて!特別限定版クリア仕様セット, Go! Plarail Hayate! Special Limited Edition Clear Specification Set (Clear Hayate)], [Newport Beach, CA: 寝台特急 with the sticker logo, Newport Beach, CA: Sleeper Express with the sticker logo]

The last two sets mentioned in the last post: [ハイウェイぜんじどうふみきりセット, Fully Automatic Highway-Rail Crossing Set (2nd Gen)], [ハイウェイふみきりステションセット, Highway-Rail Crossing Station Set].

Some names cannot be translated as they are names of certain brands/shops.

I hope the situation is cool now.
[-] The following 5 users Like violater's post:
  • chrisjo, Tharazero1, TheDiamondDalek, TrainsRawesome, Zwilling
That works, thanks Vio.
Thank you Vio, that's very helpful!

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[-] The following 1 user Likes TheDiamondDalek's post:
  • Super
Thanks Vio for saving the day. I wouldn't be able to name some of these sets myself, all thanks to your proficiency in Japanese.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Zwilling's post:
  • Super
Update for me: it is now Mint in box Talk N Action American James.
[-] The following 2 users Like OwenDino Studios's post:
  • Super, TheDiamondDalek
Look man I'm not the one to tell you what to do with your stuff but if I was you, I would not have opened it. This was possibly the only BNIB Talk n Action American James known to exist but now it's opened. It's like Muddy Poppins opening his BNIB Alfie.

As much as we all want to see what's inside the box, this is something in my eyes that should've stayed sealed.

I hope you don't regret your decision in the coming months/years, because now, it's not worth nearly half of what you paid for it
[-] The following 2 users Like Tharazero1's post:
  • MuddyPoppins, StarSwitcher07
I also don't like to jump in on the guilt wagon as well, but the reason it went for $1,000 really was because it was BNIB. That train isn't even worth $300 now.
[-] The following 1 user Likes StarSwitcher07's post:
  • Tharazero1
Owen, don't let all this negative talk get to you...its yours and you can do with it whatever you like. Lets drop the bashing and get back to positive topics please.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • Mister No
Agreed with Super, but if I'm being honest, its his decision what he does with it, if he decides to unbox it then so be it

Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3cddLo...G2N8VDiTvA 
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