Rarest Plarail/Tomy Trains

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(11-21-2020, 03:32 AM)Tharazero1 Wrote: Edit: Just found this image, what an absolute FIND
[Image: Ek-Raf-RVU0-AAbl-Kj.jpg]

This one is a fake as quoted by the owner of this version in Twitter. Nevertheless it looks very real.
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(11-21-2020, 06:30 AM)Vio Wrote: This one is a fake as quoted by the owner of this version in Twitter. Nevertheless it looks very real.

Ahhh, makes sense
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(09-21-2019, 04:47 AM)Muddy Poppins Wrote: Update for new Top 12 Rarest Tomy/HitToys/FisherPrice TrackMaster line:
Honorable mentions:
Flip-Face Toby, Plarail: Front hook Splatter, Oliver, Winston, Bash, Chuffing Annie, Wobbly wheeled Troublesome truck.

Wait, chuffing Annie is rare? I have one in near perfect condition. Wow.
Train it, plane it, you name it!
(This post was last modified: 02-10-2021, 01:04 PM by Super.)
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My rarest items:
Trackmaster Monty
Tomy thumper (in the mail)
Fisher Price Thomas Annie and Clarabel 2013 BNIB
HiT Toys James goes Buzz Buzz BNIB]
HiT Toys Terence BNIB
Flip face Toby
2 Carolines (motorized)
3 Jacks (one non motorized) with accessory
Ned with accessory
Jeremy (motorized)
thankyou for reading Tongue
The Tons of Trackmasters YouTube channel  Smile https://www.youtube.com/@TonsOfTrackmasters
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Goodness gracious! Where do you have the money for that?

P.S. Where did you find thumper and how much was it?
Train it, plane it, you name it!
(This post was last modified: 02-10-2021, 01:04 PM by Super.)
I must say some of these items i got for a STEAL, Face change toby for £16, Monty for £80
muddy helped me find the thumper Smile
The Tons of Trackmasters YouTube channel  Smile https://www.youtube.com/@TonsOfTrackmasters
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Hmm I see. Well, just got to be on the lookout. Back in late 2017 I bought a BNIB HiT toys Salty for £18 (I opened it).
Train it, plane it, you name it!
(This post was last modified: 02-10-2021, 01:12 PM by Super.)
Wow, Vio you wrote alot here and the thread feels quite old. I think we will import the list here as wrongly discussed in the other thread.
So the summarised list as wrongly discussed in the other thread was:

1959-1964: パノラマトンネル. There are 2 types. Both are the very first Plarail scene parts where only 2 original packaging remains in this world. Clear images of packaging do not exist. Also Point Rail (Tentative name), it looks like a Y shaped rail but it is not and it existed in 1950. ハイウェイバスセット, there are no surviving boxes found to this day but the catalogue images are confirmed.

1965-1969: 電動プラレール電車セットNO.1 & NO.2. NO.1 was just unexcavated last year and NO.2 set's existence is unconfirmed at the moment. Transparent blue trees, its existence is said to be a miracle as there are no images of them in the catalogue and the surviving amount of trees are less than 20 in the world. The only confirmed owner of the transparent blue trees today is Mie Battery Railway. プラレール部品ハウスブロック, the entire set was part of Project X Story and no one knows the DVD version contents of Project X Story till today. There are only 2 surviving sets today.

1970-1974: D-51きしゃセット and ちょうとっきゅうひかりごうニューセット. The same one listed above. First set was unexcavated in 2018, second set unexcavated just last year and only 1 catalogue lists these 2 sets together. That catalogue was excavated 4 months after the second set's discovery. Single item ハウスブロック, released after Project X Story but the amount of survivors in brand new are unconfirmed today (probably none left?). Tough debate to include white home version of ふくせんプラレールステーションセット and 全自動ふみきりセット.

1973-1974: Single item C12ロータリーじょせつしゃ. Listed in the 1974 catalogue but the existence of single items are unconfirmed till today. Also single item slippery turnout rail, out of print 5 months after initial manufacture. Tough debate to include ハイウエィふみきりステーションセット.

1975-1979: Single item ぼくじょうふみきり. Listed in 1975 catalogue but packaging/box is unconfirmed till today. Also single item C-62汽笛入り, the amount of surviving boxes are estimated less than 4 in the world. Also the 2 types of 近郊型でんしゃふみきりえきセット, amount of survivors are less than 6 today. Tough debate to include ふえふきはっしゃセット and ニチイチェーンよいこシリーズ specification of the D-51きゅうこうれっしゃセット.

1980-1984: 福岡市交通局の地下鉄, blue box version is unnumbered EC box type and 1 survivor remains today. 京阪神通勤特急 基本No.3セット, 1 of the Plarail spoken about in biggest rumors and only 3 confirmed survivors remain today. メロディーD51セット, it is a miracle that the amount of brand new survivors are less than 3 today. There are 3 types of melodies, and I don't even know if the 2 confirmed survivors have the same melody or not. Chitose Airport Set, the same rumour as above but existence unconfirmed.

1996: 金ぴか QUANTO and めばえ, magazine releases but the amount of surviving magazines are almost non existent today and the amount of giveaways were extremely limited to only some parts of Japan. Children during that time are not as careful as the older generation children according to surveys and most giveaways are treated like trash and there is almost no way to find one in brand new condition unless kept by adult collector.

1998: 金ピカあさぎり, 金ピカニューロマンスカー. The amount of confirmed survivors are less than 5 today and were extremely limited releases.

2003: Umekoji Plakids, 走れ!プラレールはやて!特別限定版クリア仕様セット (Clear Hayate) and USA version of 寝台特急 with the sticker logo. Tough debate to include Clear C-62.

2005: East Eye Clear Middle Car Cover
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Let me include 2003 and 2005 Plarail descriptions because we forgot:

Umekoji Plakids, the highest bid amount was 212000 yen in junk/new condition and it is way rarer than the Clear C-62 as it was distributed in only that day where the original C-62 set was debut. The amount manufactured was purposely smaller than the Clear C-62 as it was an exclusive giveaway to attendees only during that time.

走れ!プラレールはやて!特別限定版クリア仕様セット (Clear Hayate), there are only 2 survivors to date. One of them was recently discovered in an old toy shop with the box intact. It is now part of a major display unit around driving parties. The other one is in the old museum.

USA version of 寝台特急 with the sticker logo: It is the hidden 4th type of "Newport Beach, CA" Plarail. It has the same box as the other 3 but there is a logo on the side of the cabin. One confirmed survivor is found till today.

East Eye Clear Middle Car Cover, a Toys R Us giveaway by buying the original East Eye Set on a first come first serve basis. It is manufactured to allow transparancy into the gimmicks cabin, and acted as a fix to the already opaque cover that came with the set. However, the original packaging is still not found until today and one with the original packaging is expected to double the cost of the Clear C-62. I heard that production volume is extremely small, and those with the Easy Eye Set will find this a compulsory addition to the East Eye collection. It is the only registered Plarail product that has a cover and nothing else.
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