Grey Track

46 Replies, 29387 Views

Hi guys,
I thought I'd just make a thread that can document all the sets that come with grey track, just so if people want to make their layouts out of grey track instead of blue track (like myself) they can.

First one is the R-26 and R-27 viaduct rail packs (curve and straight)

The second one is the Overpass Way Shinkansen Rail Set which comes with 3 straight rail, 1 stop rail, 4 curved rail and 8 double radius curves.

You can also purchase J-24 Rail Yard which comes with 2 straight rail pieces

There is also a Tomica World sets that come with grey rail. The First one is the IRC Train Set which includes 7 straight rail, 14 curve rail, 4 Slope A rails, 1 straight slope rail and 2 switch rails

There are definitely more sets, Particularly Plarail sets but these are the only ones I know of. If anyone could include more that would be greatly appreciated.
[-] The following 3 users Like Tharazero1's post:
  • bijomaru78, Mister No, Super
Excellent idea for a Thread Thara Smile
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  • Mister No, Tharazero1
Adding pictures for post #1
[Image: image.png]  [Image: image.png]   [Image: image.png]   [Image: image.png]   [Image: image.png]
(note, however, variation between different versions of Tomica World 7436...)
[Image: image.png]   [Image: image.png]
[-] The following 2 users Like chrisjo's post:
  • Mister No, Tharazero1
Oh I'd love to get some of those grey tracks for our shinkansen trains!
[-] The following 1 user Likes bijomaru78's post:
  • Tharazero1
There are many sets that have the light gray elevated rails. here are a couple to name a few. The real trick is to find the sets that have regular light gray rails.

[Image: 10077525a.jpg]

[Image: i-img1190x1200-1589388691m1vq7p13574.jpg]

[Image: i-img600x450-1595822330ddh9vk1672684.jpg]
[-] The following 3 users Like Super's post:
  • bijomaru78, Mister No, Tharazero1
Disney Dream Railway Electrical Bridge Set, July 2015, grey curve ramps A & B:
[Image: image.png]   [Image: image.png]

Yard Rail Set, April 2014:

[Image: image.png]   [Image: image.png]

J-06, Shunting Yard, February 2014:

[Image: image.png]   [Image: image.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-11-2020, 06:26 PM by Super.)
[-] The following 2 users Like chrisjo's post:
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(08-11-2020, 01:24 PM)Super Wrote: The real trick is to find the sets that have regular light gray rails

The Real trick is finding those elevated or 'normal' grey tracks in the UK Big Grin
[-] The following 2 users Like bijomaru78's post:
  • chrisjo, Super
Rail Yard and Rail Set, July 2011:

[Image: image.png]   [Image: image.png]

Snow removal action! DD14 + DE10 Snowblower Diesel Locomotive Set, November 2009:

[Image: image.png]   [Image: image.png]

Tsukuba Express Elevated Rail Set, March 2006, two 'Y' points:

[Image: image.png]  [Image: image.png]

Sound And Steam D51 Set, September 2005, woo! woo!:

[Image: image.png]   [Image: image.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-11-2020, 06:31 PM by Super.)
[-] The following 2 users Like chrisjo's post:
  • bijomaru78, Super
DD14 set is white rails, not grey.

I have this set: Manufactured for 1 year in 1983 during the Winter Era. If you want a layout building challenge, this set will corrupt your layout if you want to continue your line onto these elevated rails. Requires too much space and the big outer curves with both female ends and piers with only male connectors will definitely put you into a heap of trouble.

[Image: 20200507014711.jpg]

Don't forget the big turntable set, and very popular sets 10 or 20 years ago.

[Image: 02.jpg][Image: i-img1200x900-1582110042h49qpe270086.jpg][Image: 20200507164258.png][Image: EKQ-7-L5-U0-AEc-DW1.jpg][Image: 82-B8-EFF8-FD6-F-4-F92-8-D80-A8-BBC733-D...8x1024.jpg][Image: 61-Udyz-WBgc-L-AC.jpg][Image: file.jpg][Image: m10896936936-1.jpg][Image: 10309714a2.jpg][Image: i-img1200x900-1596980594epnpfu55561.jpg]

Talk about Rotary Stations, they are grey. But I bet you haven't seen this before:

[Image: plarail-mrt-train-2002-hong-ko-158940509...essive.jpg][Image: plarail-mrt-train-2002-hong-ko-158940509...essive.jpg]

Pump some ego into setting up your own Plafest event, this set will make people cry or confused. Short-lived rare set that almost never appeared in the catalogues.

[Image: Ed3-Wq2-CUYAAZop4.jpg]

If you want to go back in time to 2006 Plarail Expo: you can buy grey slope rails.

[Image: aae2d639.jpg]

If you want to join my crying party, be my guest. I'll be your next competitor in the future auction.

[Image: 150425-1.jpg]

There are way too many sets having grey rails. It's not hard to think but it is just tedious. Just go to a second hand shop, can find plenty.

Also why I can't find that Plarail Expo grey slope rails that are distributed for free in sealed single packages with grey piers? I lost that image.
[-] The following 4 users Like violater's post:
  • bijomaru78, DuckGWR, Super, Tharazero1
Great Thread

Its important to note the the J-06 Shunting Yard and the Sound and Steam D51 Set are Dark Gray tracks not the light gray like the elevated rails. I learned the hard way on both of these sets. Because the photos for these sets make the tracks look light gray they are not. I had ordered 4 of the J-06's when they first released and was disappointed when they arrived. I had 3 used sets of the Sound and Steam D51 bought off of the Japan Auctions and again disappointed when they arrived.

Thanks for the info on the light gray sloped rails being at the 2006 Plarail Expo, I had forgotten about that. Smile

I think we can agree that there are lots of sets with the light gray elevated rails and some sets have a few of the regular gray rails included, is it safe to say that the recently released (March 2020) Overpass Way Shinkansen Rail Set is the only set that has all regular gray rails? As a real bonus (thanks Thara) this set has both regular gray curves and outside (long radius) gray curves.

[Image: 10651733p.jpg]
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