Enoden Umi No Mieru Tabi Set

38 Replies, 35450 Views

I agree with your opinion. The Enoden Umi No Mieru Tabi is a great set. I'm going to start another thread using your list of trains so we can devote a topic to it.

I notice you didn't have the stickers on your surfing girl. Do you have them? I was terrified putting mine on but then Super taught me the way of the sticker master.
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Also, I found another set that has an awesome motorised bus. I wonder if Super has this bus.

[-] The following 1 user Likes Finno's post:
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Yes, there is also the Enoden Train and Bus journey set:

[Image: 41I%2B0DdLHaL._AC_.jpg]

Train is the same as in the set you mentioned, it has the island, the station and the platform, but there is no Buddha, and the tower is too plain...

I have the stickers, but I did't use them on my surfing bord. As it happens, I like it this way (clear sail). There are many stickers I didn't use - on my Purakizzu station (Kamakura station in my layout), on my Dokidoki mountain (the sticker with Harold and the two waterfall stickers; there are waterfall stickers in this Dokidoki set, not in the other one with the fortress), etc. I just did not like them, so I didn't apply them, for now.
[-] The following 2 users Like Mister No's post:
  • Finno, Super
Darn you guys....I am not into the Enodens that much but I do have the Tomy Dream Energy Green one with all the stickers (2002) and the PostPet Pink one. Now because of you two I now want the one that comes with that Little Excursion Set (2010?) which has an old tyme, street car, look to it. Do you know if it was released by itself in addition to the set? Looking in my super duper 60th Anniversary Book that Enoden looks like the trail car may have sound but the one pictured in the set above does not show traction tires in the rear. Could there be 2 of them released? One without sound included in the set and one sold separately with sound? There are a lot of Enodens in the 60th Anniversary Book including a neat blue/cream/dk gray one.

[Image: DSCN4094.jpg]

That road & track piece with the female connectors was originally released in sets that only had these straight and curved road track and the reason they have both female connectors is they are made to be connected with the road side and center clips like in this photo. I have noticed though that Plarail have included single straight piece like the one you show in different sets which was always a mystery to me because of the two female ends. I don't really know the exact reason but this is all I could come up with when I asked myself the same question years ago when first seeing a single straight included in a set.

[Image: DSCN4091.jpg]
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  • Finno, Mister No
Super, here are some nice Plarail Enoden videos, except mine Smile

Plarail Enoden Trains Part 1 - with the automatic transfer station from Doctor Yellow Automatic Transfer Station Set
Plarail Enoden Trains Part 2 - nicely filmed stop & go actions, nice tracks and platforms...

The historic car (still running on real Enoshima Electric Railway I think) you're interested in is in both videos, and I don't think it has sound (in the second video it seems added later).
I dont't think it was released outside the sets, but I can be wrong about that. Actually, I dont think that the one from Enoden Umi No Mieru Tabi Set (502+552) was released separately either. Same thing with the pink one. 

Thank you for explaining the reason for 2 female connectors. I managed to fit it into my station, but I wondered why on earth did they do it that way. 

[Image: IMG-20191231-030216.jpg]

I like the road and rail system on your second picture; it's a shame that they don't produce it that way anymore. It would be better than just to put one straight rail in a set here and there...

Oh, one more thing - historic Enoden train from Little Excursion Set is the only one with rear coupler on the trailer car that I have seen.
My YouTube Channel: Mister No
[-] The following 1 user Likes Mister No's post:
  • Super
Darn, all I want is the standard green Enoden 300! You folks are driving me crazy with all this Enoden goodness. 
Big Grin
[-] The following 2 users Like Off The Rails's post:
  • Finno, Super
Well there was at least one Enoden 20 Form released in a box by itself. Its the only one I found so it must be pretty rare to find in its own box. It doesn't have have retail Plarail number so I have to guess it is either a Limited Edition or a site specific release...guessing of course.

[Image: i-img600x437-15698295936wcmdn169.jpg]
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  • Finno, Mister No
Wow, I have never seen Enoden Series 20 in it's box, thank you, Super. It is very rare, that's for sure, and it has te older type of Tomy logo (no Takara), just as pale Enoden 1000 and Umi No Mieru Tabi Set, wich are also older models. Here are my models with their boxes, and imprinted copyrights at the bottom of the railcars:

S-47 Enoden Type 1000 (the pale one) © Tomy 1997 Made in Thailand - - [w/Sound]
S-47 Enoden Type 1000 (the green one) © Takara Tomy 2005 Made in Vietnam - - [w/Sound]
S-47 Enoden Type 500 © Takara Tomy (no year on the bottom of the car) Made in Vietnam - - [w/Sound]
Enoden Umi No Mieru Tabi Set with Enoden 502+552 © Tomy 1999 Made in China (motor car) and Made in Thailand (trailer) - isn't that strange? - - [no sound]

[Image: IMG-20191231-112820.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20191231-112502.jpg]

By the way, I believe there is also another green Type 1000. Mine is 1201+1251, but it seems there is also one with the number 1001: Plarail S-47 Sound Enoden Type 1000 (Update Color): 

[Image: 41grQw5mscL.jpg][Image: 41zO1eEVKtL.jpg]
My YouTube Channel: Mister No
[-] The following 2 users Like Mister No's post:
  • Finno, Super
Great photos and info. You really are the Enoden expert here and I will use this info to update the DB.

I don't want to be a conspiracy guy but those last two photos of the Type 1000 look suspiciously like the same train to me. I think someone (maybe Tomy marketing) digitally altered one for some reason. If you put the pics in separate tabs of your browser and quickly swap between them you will see it's unbelievably in the precise same position. 

Also including:

1.) The angle of the rear car wheels
2.) The reflections in the front car windows
3.) The white speck on the front window
4.) The black mark or reflection in the front pin stripe

Practically the only difference is the numbers and the headlights stickers. And they change the background too.
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  • chrisjo, Mister No
Your "conspiracy theory" may be just right, Finno, but I found an easy way to check it out: I will order the other one! And if I get the same train, that wouldn't be a problem either! Smile

But back to the topic: did anyone except me noticed that the motor car from Enoden Umi No Mieru Tabi Set was made in China and the trailer car in Thailand?
My YouTube Channel: Mister No
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