A box full of goodies!! Thomas & Merlin Coal Hopper Set w/ Hurricane, Frankie, Lexi +

66 Replies, 65584 Views

I'm so confused how does finding a golden ball allow you to manage to get the Silver Thomas?? Does the set come with a special raffle ticket to get a free Silver Thomas of some kind if you have a golden ball in the box?

Hey guys I found a way to make Merlin motorised!!! In the video it shows that if you use a TS-05 2014 James' drive unit to replace the drive unit for Merlin. Since both of the engines use the same drive unit it makes sense to interchange them! Only problem is James has black wheels while Merlin has red wheels.

(This post was last modified: 04-05-2018, 12:53 AM by B'Station Official.)
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Hopefully this may help a bit. I was trying to find some more info on this and using the google translate app.

Quote:A Awards Together with Sir Ham Hat Singapore Fujikyu Highland "Thomas Party Room" Prize | Private Party Premium Experience: 1 B Promotion B Award Special Purple Silver Thomas: 100 Persons Eligibility Eligibility Those who can agree to campaign notes ※ Takara Tomy Group employees and stakeholders can not apply * 16 It is important for parents' inquiries to be accepted in order to apply. How to enter Please purchase only the application tickets included in the bag of gold coal balls of "Thomas the Tank Engine Go Round Go! Thomas and Merlin Coal Hopper Set" from the special posting postcard (please download from HP) or Postal cards, address, name (phonetic), age, telephone number, desired prize (A prize or B prize), applicant's name is below the age of 16, the parent's name (phonetic) Please send it by post clearly. ※ Please be careful not to ship gold 6 charcoal balls Applicant address 〒 270-0199 Nagareyama post office PO Box No. 1143 Nishigaishi 4-17 Nagareyama City Chiba Prefecture "Find the Gold Coal Ball Campaign" Campaign ( ES D March 31 (Sat) 2018 May 31 (Thur) Postmarked Effective Application Period Inquiries Takara Tomy Group Event · Campaign Secretariat web inquiry: http: //www.takara torny. co.ip / sup tprivacypolicyhm Inquiries by phone: 0570080506 Call reception Lu Yi: Monday to Friday ARe. except national holidays) 10:00 - 17:00 Lottery · Presentation After the application deadline, we will decide the winner after strict drawing I will. Presentation of Prizes The announcement of winners will be refunded with the shipment of prizes in mid-June 2018. However, please note that due to various circumstances, the shipment of prizes may go back and forth. [Remarks] Please note that we can not answer to the result of Yaita exchange, exchange of cash prizes, exchange of cash and winning rights can not be done. We can not respond to lost, damaged etc after prizes il If we can not deliver the prizes for reasons such as this address being unknown, etc. 珉 will become effective ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 We will be limited to the lives of the principal will be subject to the campaign of this campaign is not coincident with other campaign targeting the same product that was conducted at the same time may not be selected Since it is there, please understand in advance. You can also submit entries by honoring postcards in a sealed manner, but please fill out the essentials for each postcard individually. Incoming Horai, there is a case that the application may be invalid Hope Prizes are not selected UZA 8 will be invalid so anote __ o o o o o o o o o o u e c c e h acaac Application postcards can not be returned fue In the case of accidents such as loss of mail during mailing in a company, Because I can not assume stomach appointment at 27 ac eau, · If the application is applied to the campaign, I assume I agree with the notice Expenses for application to campaign "Internet connection fee, terminal fee, communication fee, electricity res Please note that even if you send a coal ball of gold, you will be responsible for the postage, postcard postage (excluding special posting postcard fee), and any other expenses) will be borne by the applicant. It is not possible to apply by copying the application ticket. Please let me assume r prepayment for postage and check on the charge at the post office. Please paste stamps for the amount of charge E. If the fee is insufficient, you can accept it. Please apply stamps to postal postage fee if you apply with postcard. 【Handling of Personal Information】 We will use Wo information you filled out within the necessary scope of communication to your ladder, sending prizes and statistics in a form not specifying individuals For specific handling rules of personal information, please visit the following website http: //www.takaratomy.colo/privacypolicyindexhtml)

Here is the image and application information that is translated above:


[Image: C9_ACECB9-42_C9-4_C7_B-92_CD-3_B65_CBA2_FBA0.jpg]

And the set did come with two pieces of paper which appear to mention the above information as well.
(This post was last modified: 04-05-2018, 01:58 AM by ripley802.)
[-] The following 2 users Like ripley802's post:
  • mod thana, MuddyPoppins
Still quite confusing but I am assuming that any and all that purchase this set will be entered into the drawing for the 100 silver Thomas's which could take the entries into the thousands depending on when the application deadline is. I am confused about what this is " Please be careful not to ship gold 6 charcoal balls " 6 Gold balls??? And what is the A & B choice? One being the silver Thomas...whats the other?

You are a bit late on the chassis swapping as there are 2 posted video's in the Plarail New Release Forum, one is the same as yours and another where they took Hurricanes chassis for Merlin and it has the red wheels.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • mod thana
Wow...that might be the longest most confusing read ever, and I still don't have a clue what to do!?!? Jeesh
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
[-] The following 1 user Likes MuddyPoppins's post:
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I think to conclude. There is a deadline for the raffle giveaway so to speak for the 100 Silver Thomas'. When TOMY I guess reveal the numbers or codes somehow to the public you can claim your prize with your number / code you received with your purchase of the set. I don't think it has to do with the gold balls, that's part of the set itself.
[-] The following 1 user Likes B'Station Official's post:
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I agree. What is odd, in the initial promotional videos of this set it looks like there were not gold balls, but then they were shipped with one. Maybe they planned on having that be the way for entry but then decided it would be to difficult? To enter it appears (from what I can decipher) you need to submit the JAN code (upc from the box) along with the customer id number which is on the paper that comes with the set. That gets you into the lottery. Again I may be incorrect on this because I do not speak or read Japanese. Big Grin
(This post was last modified: 04-05-2018, 12:20 PM by Super.)
[-] The following 4 users Like ripley802's post:
  • B'Station Official, fred16850, mod thana, Super
Most likely you are correct. I'm guessing then that the gold balls were either just added later in production of manufacture or TOMY are making a limited first run of these sets with specifically one gold ball to let themselves know that only the gold ball version can count towards the raffle and then after they would manufacture them without the gold ball? This is just a guess, we will have to wait and see what will come in the future.
[-] The following 3 users Like B'Station Official's post:
  • mod thana, ripley802, Super
But what is the other prize? It say to submit the application with your choice of prize, A or B. Ripley, does your App translate the yellow portion of the ad where it might explain the choices?

Quote:Please purchase only the application tickets included in the bag of gold coal balls of "Thomas the Tank Engine Go Round Go! Thomas and Merlin Coal Hopper Set" from the special posting postcard (please download from HP) or Postal cards, address, name (phonetic), age, telephone number, desired prize (A prize or B prize),
Quote:A Awards Together with Sir Ham Hat Singapore Fujikyu Highland "Thomas Party Room" Prize | Private Party Premium Experience: 1 B Promotion B Award Special Purple Silver Thomas

A looks like it may be a trip to meet “Sir Ham Hat” lol.. at the Thomas party room.

B looks to be the Silver Thomas.
[-] The following 1 user Likes ripley802's post:
  • mod thana
I would probably lean towards prize B, but that first prize seems tempting... Wink
(This post was last modified: 04-05-2018, 03:36 PM by Super.)
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