tight loop track

31 Replies, 24161 Views

(09-17-2016, 07:00 AM)sunhuntin Wrote: might be able to, but i think the 22 would be too wide.

True that, perhaps a Monorail Hill?
Still an interesting piece of track there Sun, my vote is still it being from a knock-off set of some sort Smile
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
The rough surface looks similar to the original Tomy tracks that all they had on them was "Made in Japan" no logo. By how you took the pictures it looks like it is reversible, right? Looking at how it connects at the top, didn't Tomys original road track connect like that? Still would like to see a longer train navigate it without the trailing cars tipping.
yes, can be used both ways up. im only familiar with the tomy plaroad that came with the thomas range, which had different connectors.

i hope to try and encorporate it into a layout next month, but it will depend on time as i wont have long to tear down at the end, so may go with the lego set again, since it was much quicker to pack away and set up.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
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Here it is Sunhuntin

Looks to be two sets of the tight loops that came with this set which I assume is some kind of an older Benkei edition as you can tell by no on/off switch on the cab roof as I think its under the tender and it has real cutout side cab windows where the newer one has stickers. This set is called the Benkei Tsuyoshi and it has the old Tomy Logo with the two children. From the looks of this asking price it must be rare.

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[-] The following 5 users Like Super's post:
  • ActionChugger, DalaGStanator, sinkillerj, Tharazero1, WoodWheel92
well, blow me down! well done, super!! pity the seller didnt have the rest of it, lol. thanks!
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
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Maybe he did but didn't know the parts belonged together in a set.

Also just noticed that this set is the one that has the Station with the trackside hoop (geesh, I can never remember the name) on the platform that we have talked about in another thread

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[-] The following 2 users Like Super's post:
  • DalaGStanator, sunhuntin
Wow! thanks Super! I wonder if we'll find out what the Blue Coach is soon...
Blue coach???
(09-29-2016, 08:48 AM)Super Wrote: Blue coach???

Remember the mystery of the Blue motorized coach?

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