wild weezy and crankys spin and drop sets

12 Replies, 16177 Views

we knocked off work early today due to the factory being fumigated. i stopped off at one of the two thomas stockists in town and picked up 2 sets, wild whirling old weezy and crankys spinning cargo drop.
initially, i only got the cranky set for the working hard diesel included, and when i paid, it scanned up $15 cheaper than the sticker. [$55NZD instead of $70NZD] so i went and grabbed ol weezy as well.

[Image: hardworkdieselcranky2.jpg]

diesel and his flatdeck both have BDP10 stamped underneath. any idea what it means?
i hate that cranky is a one-time snap onto his base. managed to get mine off by levering the clips, but i dont understand why they do it. just asking for it to get broken when put away. they did the same with the massive RC cranky. stupidity.

[Image: weezythomas3.jpg]

really only got this one since its a "transition thomas" with holes for the new wheel arrangement. i will blame ucwepn for that, id never have noticed if not for remembering his video that pointed it out.

these are the first in-store trackmaster purchases ive made in almost 3 months, with the last being portor, muddy ferdinand and ducks close shave way back in march.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
[-] The following 2 users Like sunhuntin's post:
  • Super, thehsvdude
Both very nice sets, the locos are outstanding!
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(06-13-2014, 06:29 AM)sunhuntin Wrote: diesel and his flatdeck both have BDP10 stamped underneath. any idea what it means?
Yeah it's just the item number of the set placed on all the components. Those are really nice sets and the destinations make great little focal points. So strange how all of that old stuff is gone so soon.
Nice additions Sunhuntin

I swear you will have to move out of your house soon as the collection takes over. I don't think I have met anyone that has more sets than you. But don't stop buying as I love to see what you bought. Big Grin
thanks, guys. jdog, good to know.

super, you could well be right. problem is, i have hopes to immigrate in a few years and am already dreading the cost of bringing it all with me!
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
[-] The following 2 users Like sunhuntin's post:
  • Super, thehsvdude
(06-13-2014, 09:43 PM)sunhuntin Wrote: super, you could well be right. problem is, i have hopes to immigrate in a few years and am already dreading the cost of bringing it all with me!

If you plan on immigrating to Canada as I have seen you mention, you are going to have to charter your own plane just for the collection. Or you might have to rent a couple of those giant shipping containers and send it by boat as the entire collection may keep a plane grounded. Come to think of it, there may not be a ship big enough either Undecided
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I have the cranky, beutifal model. I am considering wheezy, but
Do you think it's worth getting?
From Thomas To Today's Modern Diesels, They're All A Part Of My Rail-Yard!
(This post was last modified: 06-13-2014, 10:11 PM by Trackmaster-Rail-Yard.)
super... you are a cheeky begger! lmfao!

T-R-Y, i actually quite like the weezy model. it works the same as cranky [wind up and hit the switch] and it has the bonus of coming with misty island track, which i didnt realise until i opened it.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
(06-13-2014, 10:22 PM)sunhuntin Wrote: super... you are a cheeky begger! lmfao!

T-R-Y, i actually quite like the weezy model. it works the same as cranky [wind up and hit the switch] and it has the bonus of coming with misty island track, which i didnt realise until i opened it.

Oh, huh. I may get it then. Thank you sunhutin
From Thomas To Today's Modern Diesels, They're All A Part Of My Rail-Yard!
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picked up a bunch of thomas toy surprise chocolate eggs today.
didnt expect to see them, and bought everything the store had [about 34 eggs]
considering the size and the price [$1.50NZD each] they are really nicely done. however, one gordon was minus his face. it wasnt even in the capsule with him.

just managed to get one full set of 10 toys, finding only 1 james and 2 thomas. opened all but 3 eggs, the 3 going to a friends son. he and his uncle will also get most of the duplicates.

[Image: GEDC0717.jpg]

[yeh, not tomy or anything, but still thomas, lol]
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
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