My junkyard, are there any interesting trains here?

39 Replies, 47859 Views

Here is my collection of about 31 mostly fully assembled trains in the junkyard. Ive also got about another 15 or so trains that are totally disassembled for parts.

I guess my main question is that I seem to be getting trains that seem to be unique, and before i break anymore of these trains down, are there any in this collection that are worth restoring? Otherwise I have some plans for customs coming up when I get the parts in the mail that I ordered.

Also if anyone is looking for any parts, I have quite a stockpile, let me know if you need anything, i'm also looking to trade for parts of other trains.

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The only one I that I might restore is the real steam Thomas
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  • Super, ThomasTheE2TankEngineFan, Ucwepn, WoodWheel92
pic two... that looks like a flip face thomas on top, and the one he is sitting on looks interesting too. unusual face. the james with the white footplate may be japanese?
my website address has changed:
They are all gems even the seemingly common ones, more get thrown in the bin everyday by parents doing toy cleanups etc. Neville, Donald/Douglas (whichever it is), White footplate James, Rheneas are some of the ones I would restore first
The white foot plate Thomas and James (if not Japaneese/Plarail) are probably, likely the R/C Thomas and James. I would check into those, check model number, etc.. Try and match the year with a replacement remot if they are indeed the r/c ones. The flip face Thomas, also looks like it may be the R/c one but maybe missing the tender? Donald/Duglas would be a keeper in my book.
Thanks for all the input, its a good thing I asked first, pretty much we've been taking the junk trains we get in to keep the current fleet running and then if we get models we don't have ill try and fix them up if possible.

Yeah, the white footplate trains are all r/c which ill look into new remotes, one of the Percy's I think is a tna because he has alot more weights than any Percy I've ever seen and he has a funny looking switch on the bottom, but his tender is missing, Douglas is just a chassis and body no wheels or motor assembly (I cab get wheels and powertrain assembly from another train though).

The Thomas's with the bug eyes have are Tomy from 1992
R/C Thomas with white footplate is from 2006
R/c James with white footplate is from 2007
R/c Thomas flip face missing tender 2006

The narrow gauge trains are all Skarloey (the narrow gauge trains are my favorites!)
Can you post a pic of he Percy you mentioned? Thanks
But Percy and Thomas wouldn't have tenders seeing as they are tank engines..
(02-24-2016, 06:06 PM)Super Wrote: But Percy and Thomas wouldn't have tenders seeing as they are tank engines..

Yes, I always say tender, I gotta stop doing that.

I believe it is a tna Percy, but it need alot of work. New rear axle (gears broken and missing rubber tires), a new battery truck, and the speaker wire needs to be soldered. I took it apart to look inside. Could be a nice project, if I can get or make a battery car.

Here are some pics:

[Image: temporary_3.jpg]
[Image: temporary_4.jpg]
[-] The following 2 users Like anc6802's post:
  • ripley802, Super
Hm. I have Neville's tender, and Neville's chassis is currently in possession of the child of my parents' friends. Occasionally they let me take some of the trains he doesn't play with often. He's more into cars and trucks and planes, anyway. He's where I got back my Wooden Railway express coach, Daisy, a mint-condition Donald, and Toad.
Creator of upcoming series "Sudrian Tales"
Amateur voice actor
Still haven't painted FFF's Daisy lol sorry my guy (i promise I'll get that airbrush kit soon)
(02-24-2016, 09:46 PM)anc6802 Wrote: Yes, I always say tender, I gotta stop doing that.

I believe it is a tna Percy, but it need alot of work. New rear axle (gears broken and missing rubber tires), a new battery truck, and the speaker wire needs to be soldered. I took it apart to look inside. Could be a nice project, if I can get or make a battery car.

Yep. Definately the TnA Percy. What accent will be the question. Simple test would be to connect the wires up to a 3v minimum source and it should come alive. These are finicky so if you need any assistance let me know. I may be able to spare some parts of you need down the road too. Other than the battery terminals which I still can't find replacement parts for, I have pretty much all of it.

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