r/c molly controller info

19 Replies, 21067 Views

I just got in a new set of trains for my junkyard, and I got a r/c Molly included in the lot without her controller. Can I just get any controller for Molly and it should work or is each train configured for their own frequency?

If its too much work, i'll just make a project out of it and convert it back to a standard train but with 3v. I'll just disconnect one of the battery terminals or solder in a wire to complete the circuit.
please, dont covert her or make her a project... she is one of the rarer RC engines. [only stanley rivals her]

you should be able to buy another controller and have it work, but im not an expert on their functionality. i do remember ucwepn telling me a remote for another character wont work on any other.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
(This post was last modified: 02-14-2016, 09:48 AM by sunhuntin.)
I agree. She is quite rare. Also I believe there are different years on the controllers. The one I have the train has an older date but the controller a newer one or vice versa. They controller for Molly is on eBay quite often though. Good luck.
Well in that case, I'll go look for another controller and give it a try. I guess I got really lucky I only spent $12 or $11 trains!

I don't want to cut up or modify any ones that are rare.

Did all of the r/c Molly's have the pistol grip type controller? I have an older Thomas R/C with a small blue remote that has foreward/reverse arrow buttons and a red stop button.
(02-14-2016, 04:13 PM)anc6802 Wrote: Well in that case, I'll go look for another controller and give it a try. I guess I got really lucky I only spent $12 or $11 trains!

I don't want to cut up or modify any ones that are rare.

Did all of the r/c Molly's have the pistol grip type controller? I have an older Thomas R/C with a small blue remote that has foreward/reverse arrow buttons and a red stop button.

All of the older ones I know of have the pistol grip as far as the older style Trackmaster. I have one like you mention which is sort of egg shaped and has the F R and Stop. That came with the very large Trackmaster revolution set (name eludes me at the moment). I know there are some current TMR Remote Thomas and Percy out that do not have reverse though, but same sort of remote.
Ours isn't the revolution series its the original trackmaster style, im pretty sure he was a standalone but I could be wrong. He also has a flip face aswell. I also have another one in the junkyard for parts with a flip face but his tender is broken off
(02-14-2016, 05:44 PM)anc6802 Wrote: Ours isn't the revolution series its the original trackmaster style, im pretty sure he was a standalone but I could be wrong. He also has a flip face aswell. I also have another one in the junkyard for parts with a flip face but his tender is broken off

The Thomas with the flip face has a pistol grip controller that is blue with red handle. I am not aware of any other r/c flip face Thomas's, maybe someone else knows of one?
the originals, including molly, had the pistol grip. the original tidmouth sheds, released under HIT entertainment, came with a flip face thomas that also had the pistol controller.
the first couple of rc engines from fisher-price used the same design, and then went to the 3-speed shape. then they started using what i call the "hand held game" shape, because it reminded me of a psp or similar. i dont have any of those yet.

there were several talking flip face engines released, but they werent RC.

anc, any chance you could post a photo of that thomas you have?
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
Here is acouple of photos of it. I remember buying it new becasue my wife protested buying a $35 Thomas train lol. She came around after he loved playing with the remote.

[Image: WP_20160214_15_40_40_Pro.jpg]
[Image: WP_20160214_15_41_02_Pro.jpg]
Those aren't that old are they? Seems to me I used to see a lot of those at places like Toys R Us, Meijer and Walmart a year or more ago. Maybe I never saw a Thomas with that type of controller but I think I remember Diesel 10 and Diesel I think.

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